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Article: Cognitive impairment: what is it?

Article length: 1 minute (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) What is cognitive impairment? Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering things, learning new things, concentrating, solving problems or making decisions that affect their everyday life. This might include things like having difficulty planning or carrying out everyday tasks such as following a recipe, doing your shopping, managing money or driving....

Article: Short term memory loss

Some patients experience a range of short-term memory problems after Intensive Care. This is sometimes called "cognitive impairment" or "cognitive dysfunction". This may mean that you have problems remembering things, you may find that you can't concentrate for long periods, or you may find that your attention span is shorter than it was before.Some people also have difficulty working out problems or organising complex tasks. This may mean, for example, that you...

Article: Why can’t I remember what happened to me?

Why can't I remember what happened? There are a number of reasons why this happens; the sedative drugs we use to keep patients sleepy and comfortable whilst on the ventilator or breathing machine (sedation), how very ill you were or the type of illness you had. It can take a while to clear sedative drugs from the system, especially if you needed large amounts or if you received them for more than a few days. Patients who develop kidney problems can sometimes take longer to...