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Web Link: Blog from an ICU survivor (Louise)

This link will take you to Louise's blog site, which she regularly updates. Louise was admitted to the Intensive Care unit of Derriford Hospital, Plymouth in November, 2018. She spent 13 days in the Intensive Care Unit, due to a perforated oesophagus (gullet) and another 71 days in hospital before being discharged home to her family. Louise writes in a very authentic and compassionate way about her experiences of having ICU delirium (strange or distressing dreams or hallucinations) and...

Web Link: Delirium: a short film

This link will take you to a short YouTube video on COVID Intensive Care patients' experiences of ICU deliium. It's from colleagues in North America and it's around 10 minutes long. It includes short excerpts from patients and healthcare professionals.** Please be aware that this video contains images of people in ICU, and of their experiences of delirium. Some people may find this distressing**.

Web Link: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after ICU: a guide for patients & families

This link will take you to the website of Psychology Tools, a resource that was developed by highly qualified psychologists in 2008. The developers have put together a guide on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that can be given to patients, and those close to them. Their guide helps explain symptoms of PTSD (e.g. frightening or unreal memories, "flashbacks" and changes in mood, etc), how patients and family members might be feeling, aspects of Intensive Care that can...